Sharing of CMR documents


Easily share CMR documents with other users who are involved in the processing of the shipment but are not part of your organization.

  • Dispatcher
    • Preparing and editing of the document
    • Sharing the document with others
    • Sending the document by e-mail
    • Changing statuses
  • Driver
    • Review of the assigned documents
    • Edit the document, while it is being prepared
    • Changing the status of individual documents
  • Sender
    • Monitor the status of the shipment
  • Recipient
    • Monitor the status of the shipment

Sharing the CMR document can be carried out as follows:

1. Action Share document.


2. We put in an email address whom we want to share with and determine the role (rights upon document). We can only share to one person/organisation at the same time. We can repeat the process of sharing, if we want to share with several persons/organisations.


3. After successful sharing a person (organization) receives an email with a link to the document. If that person is not yer registered on Transbook, the message also contains a link to the registration page. After that enables the view and monitoring of the CMR document through its status.

4. Role (rights upon document) can be edited and document can be unshared also. On the right side of the document there is a segment “Document shared to”.


With a click on a “pencil” a window for editing of the sharing role pops up.
